3707 W. Maple Rd
Suite 201
Bloomfield Hills, MI

Phone: 248-644-2701
ext 3336


Rising Price of Gold

Two graphs, demonstrating the relationship between key events, such as increasing the national debt ceiling and the rising price of gold.

Gold Chart 2004 to 2006 Gold Chart 2006 to 2008
Click a thumbnail to view full-size image.

Growing National Debt

A growing national debt causes a weak dollar, strong Euro, high gold and oil prices. Increasing the Federal Funds rate did not strengthen the dollar from 2004-2006. This disproves modern Economic theory.

Dollar Weakness Directly Related To National Debt
Click a thumbnail to view document.

Stock Market Reacts to Tariffs

This graph demonstrates that tariffs have an immediate and profound impact on equity markets. Markets discount future earnings and tariffs represent a tax on those earnings.

Dollar Weakness Directly Related To National Debt
Click a thumbnail to view document.